Personal Training

Start the transformation of a lifetime!

Do you ever get stuck in the online revolving door of video after video, article after article, from hundreds of self-proclaimed "experts" and "influencers"? In today's age of the internet, it seems like everyone knows the best meal plan, exercise regimen, or my personal favorite... "hacks", to get in the best shape possible. But how often do you feel overwhelmed of what to believe or where to start? Well... that's where Mount Olympus Fitness comes in to play.

Here at MOF we are dedicated to providing you with the best information possible, backed my real scientific research, so you know exactly what to believe in and where to start. No more wondering if source A is accurate compared to source B and then source C contradicting both A and B, and then Source D saying they know a hack to beat all, and on and on it goes. We will give you the information and sources that we have vetted and trust to guide you in the lifetime journey of taking care of your health and that of your friends and family. 

Best of all, our approach is that of simplicity. In a world of complexities, we are taking a step back and looking at what actually works. No more experimenting for one or 2 weeks, then switching it up to something else, and then seeing no results and getting so frustrated that you give up entirely. The best way and shortest path to success is through consistency. "Simplicity leads to Consistency".

Now, what is it that MOF can provide for me? I'm glad you asked. Here at MOF we get you connected with a Personal Trainer that will get you plugged in to a workout regimen tailored specifically to you and your needs/goals along with personalized nutritional guidance to help you build a healthier Lifestyle. Not only that, but you also get some neat benefits, such as:

  • 2-way messaging with your Trainer
  • 8 or 12 monthly 60 minutes in- person sessions. 
  • Bi-weekly video call check-ins(online package)
  • Hybrid of online and in-person training
  • Personal discount code for MOF apparel and supplements
  • On the go App with your tailored workout plans
  • Instructional videos for each and every workout

Just to name a few. So don't wait. Let's get started on your life changing journey today!

Through simplicity and consistency you will look your best and feel your best!

-Kyle McClure

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